
Wednesday 25 July 2012

A Guitar for drummers?

I've come across a lot of weird and wonderfull guitars in my time. Some have a specific purpose, some are just barking mad.

Then there's the Jasperbridge Percussion Guitar.

Mad as a box of frogs. The strings are on the front, and the back.

At first glance it looks like it's back to front/ upside down just plain mental.

Don't know what it's like to play, obviously requires a whole new technique, and the fact that it has to stay on a stand would require a different discipline for those of us who like to move about.But you get to beat it with a drum stick ( helpfully supplied with the guitar ). Buddy Guy and Joe Bonnamassa have used a similar technique, but this is the first guitar specifically built for this technique. It's an interesting variation, and the build reminds me of those Escher drawings of infinate stairs. Definatley eye catching.

Any innovation in guitars is a good thing, new techniques/ playing styles, help make a guitarist adaptable and it's good that there are guitar builders out there who are challenging the normal perception of how a guitar should be played, but also how a guitar should be built.

If it is as good as the manufacturers would like it to be the next logical step would be to build bass and maybe even acoustic variations. I can see a bass version being very popular.

Would like to try one, if only for the novelty value, so if the manufacturers want to send me one ......

Check out the full spec on the official website

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